About Us:

Committed to Freedom, Privacy, and the Unraveled Path of Digital Commerce.


At our core, we are staunch advocates for the preservation of freedom, privacy, and security in the digital age. We firmly believe that freedom of expression and the safeguarding of individual privacy are sacrosanct rights that must be upheld. Our mission is to provide solutions that empower our clients and users to navigate the internet with unwavering confidence, fortified security, and uncompromising privacy.

Rooted in Cypherpunk Ideals:

Our journey finds its roots in the ideals of the Cypherpunk movement. Notable figures like Phil Salin and Timothy C. May championed the importance of privacy, security, and the principles of Friedrich Hayek. The dawn of the digital age brought its share of challenges and persecutions, echoing the principles defended by Hayek in the field of economics and individual freedom. We salute the unwavering spirit of early cryptographers and the creators of groundbreaking technologies, which laid the foundation for monumental innovations such as Bitcoin (BTC).

The Legacy of John Forbes Nash:

The intricate puzzle of the genesis of Bitcoin, while potentially associated with figures like John Forbes Nash, remains a testament to the collaborative efforts of brilliant minds dedicated to freedom, privacy, and economic liberty. While the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains enigmatic, it symbolizes a collective journey that echoes the principles of Friedrich Hayek and the Cypherpunk movement.

Championing Online Freedom

In the era of pervasive surveillance and Orwellian oversight, we stand resolute in our support for technological advancements and privacy-enhancing tools. We advocate for initiatives like the Tor Browser, Whonix, Qubes OS, Tails, and others, which champion online privacy and security.

The Cookie Dilemma and Fingerprinting:

We are acutely aware of the challenges posed by the rampant data collection online. Regulations like those governing cookies in the European Union, while well-intentioned, have inadvertently given rise to the issue of fingerprinting, which poses a significant threat to user privacy. We firmly believe in the necessity of controlling JavaScript on the frontend to counter the invasive nature of technology that threatens privacy and permits unwarranted tracking by online advertising and marketing conglomerates.

Join Our Cause:

We invite you to join us in our relentless pursuit of freedom, privacy, and online security. Our mission is to provide an online experience that safeguards your privacy and upholds the ideals of free expression. With our commitment to security, privacy, and technological innovation, we are unwavering in confronting the challenges of the digital age and preserving the values we hold dear.

We firmly believe that the internet should remain a sanctuary for freedom and privacy, a realm where the principles of Friedrich Hayek, the Cypherpunk movement, and the indomitable spirit of individuals who stood for liberty continue to thrive.